IFR Refresher Course

Are you “conditionally proficient”? What if one or more of the conditions change? Could you handle any level of IMC if your autopilot or moving map became inoperative? What if your destination goes below your personal minimums and the Precision Approach is out at your alternate. How comfortable are you with holding patterns? Are you finding yourself canceling trips for conditions you used to find acceptable? Or are you legally current, but lacking the confidence you’d like to have as an IFR pilot?


You can increase your safety margin and confidence with the IFR Refresher Course from PIC It’s a three day program of ground school, simulator work and flight, given at your location by one of PIC’s expert instrument instructors. You’ll enjoy seeing your proficiency improve and knowing that your skills are better than the day you took your instrument flight check.

With the PIC IFR Refresher Course you will:

  • Update your knowledge
  • Improve your flight proficiency
  • Know your airplane better
  • Handle emergencies better
  • Identify and correct bad habits
  • Increase your confidence
  • Meet your legal requirements
  • Qualify for insurance discounts

With the PIC course you get individual attention, instruction tailored to your needs. And you know you can count on having a highly qualified and experienced teacher.

PIC recurrency training courses are type specific. We’ll send an instructor who is not only an expert at sharpening your instrument skills but is also experienced in your aircraft type. The syllabus he brings will guide you through airplane systems review as well as instrument competence.

The PIC IFR Refresher Course leads to a biennial Flight Review, an Instrument Proficiency Check, and a signoff that satisfies insurance company requirements.

For complete information or to reserve your spot on the schedule use the Contact Us page or Call toll-free today: 1-800-435-9437 (1-800-I-FLY-IFR).

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. . . best bargain encountered in years. The final cost, all things considered, was less than a more traditional approach to IFR.
PIC was perfect for me, because of my busy schedule.